The SSL is a parody sports broadcast that combines my love of video games and sports. Only, this sport doesn't have your traditional athletes. The competitors are computer-driven Super Smash Bros. fighters duking it out to win the Super Brawl and take home the Sakurai Trophy.
Over 2 years, I designed, developed, and executed all of the graphics, motion graphics, video, and audio content. The goal was to create a sports media infrastructure that immersed an audience in the same way that other professional sports franchises do.
I developed a logo that parodied national sports league branding from the Jerry West basketball logo to the NFL shield and even the horizontal MLB format. Each logo sample is designed with a classic red white and blue sports franchise pallet, with elements of silhouettes.

Before developing the graphics for this project, I studied the existing graphics of Super Smash Bros. and created a mood board with color swatches.

Every sports broadcast starts with an iconic introduction. Referencing the iconic Monday Night Football, NFL on Fox, and Sports Center Intros, I directed a composer and 3D motion graphics artist on the design, look, energy, color pallet, and sequencing of this introduction to kick off each SSL stream broadcast.
I needed to create several cutaways and transitions to bridge the gap between segments of the broadcast, including one that signified that we were about to show an instant replay.
There are 86 fighters in the SSL and each one needed a slate of graphics. Each character has a match introduction/versus card, stage intro, animated lower 3rd animation, stat and schedule tables, a neon sign logo transition, and a name banner.

I developed an original motion graphics background to be an immersive environment for all of the non-game action. Animated tables appear on this screen.
I created an additional off-shoot series called Smash Center to relay news, stats and highlights to fans. The logo is a Sports Center Parody with original animation and sound design.
In addition to our modern-day season/broadcast, I wanted the league to feel lived-in, as if the audience had missed out on 20+ years of SSL history. It also developed the randomly-generated history and lore for the current era of the SSL. I recorded and performed as an announcer in the final Super Brawl matches for the first 23 seasons of the SSL. For each game release in the Super Smash Bros. Franchise, I created a unique introduction and used unique video LUTs and effects to create the impression that the league had developed eras of its broadcast look and techniques that updated with the graphical quality of each installation in the series.
The First Super Smash Bros. was released in 1999. I opted for a 1960's aesthetic with old Black and White marquee-styled animations to punctuate the fact that being alive for the release of the original game, makes me feel very old.
During the period of the release of Super Smash Bros. Melee, I opted for an intro design that parodied sports broadcasts of the 70's simple-yet vibrant designs "NOW IN TECHNICOLOR". I focused on exciting shapes and a very intentional showcase of primary colors. I also graded the video to seem more vintage with CRT artifacts and glowing highlights.
A direct shot-for-shot parody of the intro to The WWF's Saturday Night's Main Event. The release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl signifies the 1980s-themed WWF era of the SSL with chrome/gradient text, moving video frame animations, and slightly cleaner and less grainy footage.